6 Warning Signs Your Business Requires Commercial AC Repair in The Woodlands

June 23, 2022

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Have you been putting off needed commercial AC repair in The Woodlands? If so, now is the time to call! A functioning air conditioner not only keeps staff and visitors cool but protects electronics from overheating. Also, air conditioners remove humidity as well as heat, reducing the risk of mold growth and mildew.

Above all, the longer you put off needed commercial AC repair in The Woodlands, the higher your eventual repair costs! Damage often makes an AC unit work harder, risking wear and tear on even more parts in the unit. To ensure your AC is functioning optimally, check out 6 warning signs that it’s time for repairs.

commercial air conditioning system in The Woodlands

1. Uneven cooling? It’s time for commercial AC repair in The Woodlands

A high-quality air conditioner in good condition should cool your entire facility evenly. When an AC unit struggles, it might not push air through vents as it should. Consequently, you might notice some warmer rooms or sections of your building.

In some cases, the wrong size AC can also mean uneven cooling. An air conditioner too small for your facility might not cool enough air to keep all rooms comfortable. Whatever the case, rather than ignoring this issue, call an AC repair contractor in The Woodlands.

2. Don’t ignore or overlook odd noises from the AC unit

A commercial air conditioner might hum slightly while it works, as you would expect from any household appliance. However, sounds like thumping, grinding, banging, and the like often mean it’s time for HVAC repairs.

In some cases, these sounds might indicate loose parts. Additionally, worn bearings or a damaged motor might create noticeable sounds. Also, something trapped inside an HVAC system can create banging noises. Ensure you address this issue quickly, to prevent even more damage over time.

commercial AC repair in The Woodlands

3. Odd and unpleasant smells also mean it’s time for AC repair

Along with odd sounds, damaged parts often create odd or unpleasant smells from an AC. For instance, parts grinding against each other might create a burning smell. A mold issue can mean musty smells. Damaged wiring might also mean odd and unpleasant smells.

Whatever the case, don’t ignore or cover up these smells but schedule an inspection and needed repairs. A repair contractor might also suggest ductwork cleaning if needed, to remove dirt, mildew, and other debris. This service ensures a clean and hygienic facility for you and your staff.

4. Does your AC cycle off too quickly, or not quickly enough?

A commercial air conditioner needs to cycle on long enough to remove humidity from the air, not just heat. In turn, it might continue to run for a few minutes even after temperatures reach what’s set on the thermostat. However, if the AC continues to run too long, or shuts off too quickly, it’s time for repairs. Degraded wiring, a broken thermostat, or other issues typically might cause improper cycling.

Also, improper cycling can mean a dying AC motor. Once the motor starts to wear out, it might overheat as it operates so the AC shuts itself off. A repair contractor can note these issues and make fixes as needed.

repair of commercial AC unit in The Woodlands

5. Are interior rooms cool but clammy and uncomfortable?

Cool but clammy interior rooms often indicate an air conditioner that’s oversized for your facility. In turn, the AC works so quickly that it removes heat before it can remove humidity. Consequently, rooms feel cool, but you might still notice high humidity levels.

In this case, the AC might need replacing rather than repairs. Also, a repair contractor might note if the AC needs a dehumidifier, to help remove humidity quickly. These fixes ensure a cool and comfortable space in your facility.

6. The AC blows lukewarm air out of the vents

While AC refrigerant doesn’t burn away or evaporate, damage to the system can mean leaks! Those leaks lead to low refrigerant levels. If there isn’t enough refrigerant in the AC compressor, the unit won’t cool air circulating through it. In turn, it might then push lukewarm air out of the vents.

A contractor should address low refrigerant levels quickly. Not only will your AC run without cooling your property’s interior, but refrigerant is bad for the environment! In turn, a contractor should make prompt repairs and keep more refrigerant from leaking from your system.

Red Star Cooling & Heating is happy to provide this information about commercial AC repair in The Woodlands to our readers. Hopefully you found it helpful and informative! When you need expert services, call our The Woodlands HVAC repair contractors. We offer fast response times for emergency calls and guaranteed fixes. For more information, contact us today.



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